In 1989 one of Bob Oeschler's sources, who called himself 'Guardian', claimed that
in a area west of Ottawa a remarkable incident had taken place on 4th November. According to his source
an object was tracked on radar over Carp before it fell towards the ground near
West Carleton. The area was immediately sealed off and huge helicopters and
military units, specially trained to deal with UFO retrievals were flown in. His
source also alleged that the aliens themselves were tracked on Radar.
His source provided a wealth of information. The alien craft used a pulsing electromagnetic field to fly
and was built from a matrixed-dielectric magnesium allow. It also generated cold fusion radiation.
He also stated that the alien mission had a malevolent purpose. It was the allegedly
the start of an alien invasion.
Although the story sounded too 'crazy' to be true, Oeschler did have some 'evidence'.
His source had sent him a package in February 1992. The package contained a video,
several documents and maps of the area.
The tape was 30 minutes long with the first 6 minutes showing actual movement, the rest just stills.
The video showed strange lights, movements of 'aliens' around the craft and
also a full-frontal of an aliens face!.
The video was analysed and it had signs of editing, also the scenes of the craft
were duplicated by researchers using a toy remote controlled helicopters, some flashing lights
and some flares. They were also able to purchase an alien mask from a costume shop identical
to the one in the video.
This case eventually caused Oeschler to resign from MUFON. The case is generally
believed to of been a hoax.
Please EMAIL me with any additional Info/Suggestions